HomeHow to Use

How to Use

TodoCoop is a web application that you can use to create a temporary checklists without having to create an account. All that you need is a room name and a password, then you can share it so that others can collaborate with you on that room.

Access or create room

To use TodoCoop, you can either access an already existing room, or create a new room. For example, when you choose "Access room", you will be presented with this form.

Access room

This form is used to access an existing room (whether it is created by you or others). The same form will also be shown when you choose "Create room", but instead of accessing an existing room, it will create a new room (if the same room name doesn't exist yet).


When there is no activity in a room for 1 day, the room will be deleted.

After getting through either form, you will be redirected to a new page. This new page has some important elements, which will be explained in the sections below.

Adding, updating, and deleting todo(s)

To add a single todo or multiple todos, you can try use the demo component below.

When there is no to-dos, then you will need to click the text input. This will create your first to-do. The input is a textarea, so you can use Shift+Enter to create a new line. On the other hand, if you only use "Enter", it will create a new to-do instead.


It is not recommended to store sensitive information in the to-do list.

To tick or untick the to-do, click on the checkbox, to the left of the text input. To remove a to-do, you can either use the delete button on the right (with the "Trash" icon). Alternatively, you can also use "Backspace" on an empty to-do and it will delete that to-do, unless if it is the first one.


When you click the "Delete" button, it will delete the button at once (without confirmation). As such, it is recommended to be careful when you want to delete a todo.


The actions menu is located on the top-right of the section, which looks like this:

It has 3 menu items:

  1. Room information: this will open a modal with the room name and password, which you can use to share them to others.
  2. Copy list to clipboard: this will add the current list of todos to our clipboard, which we can paste anywhere after.
  3. Add bulk to-dos: this will open a new modal, which will be explained in the next subsection.
  4. Leave room: this will make you leave the room.

Add bulk to-dos

To add multiple todos, say, if you are copying to-dos from another room, click the "Add bulk todos" menu item from the "Actions" menu. This will open a modal with a big text input, which you can use to input multiple todos. To input multiple todos, you can create a list like the following:

Sample input todo 1
Sample input todo 2
Sample input todo 3

- Sample input todo 1
- Sample input todo 2
- Sample input todo 3

- [ ] Sample input todo 1
- [ ] Sample input todo 2
- [ ] Sample input todo 3

1. Sample input todo 1
2. Sample input todo 2
3. Sample input todo 3

All of these variations above will result in new unchecked todos. If you want to create a checked todo(s), you can do the following:

- [x] Sample input todo 1
- [x] Sample input todo 2
- [x] Sample input todo 3
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